Take our quick quiz to find out! Answer the 6 simple questions below. HOUSE IN ORDER (HIO) is a comprehensive professional financial analysis that addresses your financial state based on six critical key financial elements and creates personalized recommendations. Here is a quick test to see if your house is in order. If not, contact us to receive your FREE No-obligation Financial Analysis.
How is Your Financial House? Do You Have Your Estate Planning in Place
Please select one below:
Updated Will or Trust in Place Will or Trust in Place (not updated) No Will or Trust in Place Have Adequate Insurance (Home, Auto, Life,?)
Please select one below:
Have all 4 types Have at least 3 Less than 3 types Have Funds for major events/acquisitions
Please select one below:
Have funds Don't, but saving Don't and not saving Adequate Retirement Funds
Please select one below:
Have adequate funds Don't have, but saving Don't have and not saving Sufficient Amount of Cash Reserves
Please select one below:
Greater than 6 months 3 to 6 months Less than 3 months Financial Tools in Place
Please select one below:
Have tool and using it Have tool, but not fully using it Don't have tool Contact Us to Learn More How is Your Financial House? Estate Planning in Place
Please select one below:
Updated Will or Trust in Place Will or Trust in Place (not updated) No Will or Trust in Place Adequate Insurance (Home, Auto, Life,?)
Please select one below:
Have all 4 types Have at least 3 Less than 3 types Funds for major events/acquisitions
Please select one below:
Have funds Don't, but saving Don't and not saving Retirement Funds
Please select one below:
Have adequate funds Don't have, but saving Don't have and not saving Amount of Cash Reserves
Please select one below:
Greater than 6 months 3 to 6 months Less than 3 months Financial Tools in Place
Please select one below:
Have tool and using it Have tool, but not fully using it Don't have tool